GTA Rally - Project Ideas
The Team 
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  Okay then, as with every web page, this bit of the page is yours.  From here, you can send us all your ideas that we should imlement into GTA Rally.  Whatever they are, whever they are ideas for cars, ideas for maps or a new logo - whatever. 
Send your Ideas
"If a player dies in the rally, how bout getting the ambulance to come and heal them, and until then they have to wait there on the ground. Perhaps other players can even intercept the ambulance" - Magus 
Nice idea here but it would require us to edit the actaul games code.  This would prove very tricky.  If someone out there knows a way of doing this, send it in. 
"Some sort of nitro, speed power up, etc." - Magus 
Already thought of.  In certain places on the track, you will be able to pickup a "car-speedup" bonus.  But you will have to be careful.  These cars are hard enough to drive at normal speed :) 
"Vehicle weapons" - Magus 
Nope - don't like this idea for the main reason that we are trying to keep GTA Rally as realistic as possible (but still make it fun to play)  Adding hood monunted weapons will turn it into a deathmatch! 
"Repaint the bus and the truck to rally-team lorrys.  You know, Subaru, Nissan, Mazda, etc." - Robert Lidstrom 
This is a really good idea.  If anyone out there would like to paint a few of these, we would be really greatful.  They could sit at the start and the end - nice one :) 
"Repaint some signs or somethin' into the START and FINISH banners" - Robert Lidstrom 
Already thought of this idea.  There is going to be flags and banners at both the start and finish. 
"You could use trafficlights to countdown before the start ! And then you put a timer on. And if you get around the map under a certain time you're the world champion" - Robert Lidstrom 
Another idea that we had thought of.  It would be really cool if there could be a running timer.  We could always convert the pager GFX into a stopwatch or somthing. 
"I think it would be a good idea to be able to buy equipment for your car or even sell fony equipment to other drivers like a bomb that looked like a bumper etc." - D. Burns 
Okay, this is a nice idea (well the buying bits for your car anyway) but unfortunatly, we can't actually do this.  It would be nearly impossible to implemet unless we altered the games code (which we ain't gonna do).  As for the "bumper-bombs" bit ... Nope, thjs ain't gonna be Death Rally. 
"How about shortcuts in the track sorta like in San Fancisco Rush?  Hard to pull off but rewarding the racer with a couple seconds of  'catch up' or a better lead" - Syn 
This is a good idea - but after a while (We intend for this game to be played over the NET) advanced drivers will learn the short cuts and the novices will be canned.  But it is still a good idea - It will most likely be implemented in some maps we do (but trust me - they will be very hard to find ;)
This page was written by Valdez - 4/8/98